
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

One Year of Shibas

A week ago, February 19, 2012 marks one year when I picked up Chloe and took her home. I never mentioned this before, but I bought Chloe from a pet shop in a mall near my place. I kept this story from this blog to encourage readers and future pet owners to purchase puppies from authorized breeders and not from pet stores who gets their puppies mostly from puppy mills. At that time, I still lack the knowledge of the situation regarding these pet stores and puppy mills. In any case, for my second dog Maru, I got him from a trustful shiba inu breeder.

A lot has changed since the dogs came. The post will never finish if I mention all these changes, But one thing is for sure, Chloe and Maru has forever changed my life, may it be for the better or worse.

Photos of Chloe and Maru when I first got them...

Look how adorable they have grown...


  1. Dunno why we have waited so long to have a dog. Guess it was meant for us to have a shiba. :) Happy First Anniversary!

    S&S Mommy

  2. Both Chloe and Maru are so cute as pups! :)

    I don't hold it against you we all make mistakes and learn from them.

    I agree my shiba has helped and changed my life for the better too.

  3. Hi – Will you please post a link to your Blog at The Shiba Inu Community at Our members will love it.
    Members include: Shiba Owners, Breeders, Rescues and Lovers.
    It's easy to do, just cut and paste the link and it automatically links back to your website...
    You can also add Photos, Videos, Rescues and Classifieds if you like. Post as much or as often as you like.
    Email me if you need any help or would like me to do it for you.
    The Shiba Inu Community:
    James Kaufman, Editor


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